
PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Course

PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Course

Total time commitment:

1 -2 Days



Maximum  5 members

Piratical : Poseidon Diving Centres

What is PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Course?

The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Course is the perfect course for divers wanting to hone and transform their buoyancy skills. The course aims to equip divers with the necessary knowledge and skills to control their buoyancy adequately. The course covers aspects such as proper weighting, streamlining, positioning, breathing techniques, and more. The course’s objective is to make divers comfortable in the water and to increase their confidence underwater.

What are the qualifications we need to do the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy?

To enroll in the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Course, you must possess at least an Open Water Diver certification or equivalent. The course is a specialty course and consists of knowledge development and two open water dives made under the supervision of a PADI Instructor.

eLearning PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Course?

The advantage of an eLearning course is that you can complete the study material at home and then go to the Dive Centre to complete the practical part of the course. Having E-learning options gives you the advantage of being flexible with your schedule and allows you to learn at your own pace, which is an excellent way to maximize your time.


PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy certification Course Schedule

At Poseidon Diving Centre Sri Lanka, the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy course is conducted over two days. On the first day, you’ll attend a classroom session followed by a confined water session. On the second day, you’ll dive in open water to put into practice the skills learned from the first day.

What we can improve following Peak Performance Buoyancy certification?

After completing the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy course, you’ll have improved buoyancy control in any diving situation. You’ll also be able to navigate yourself around dive sites more efficiently without disturbing marine life. Additionally, the course builds your confidence and increases your enjoyment levels of diving.

What are the advantages after following Peak Performance Buoyancy certification?

There are many advantages to having solid buoyancy control. You’ll consume less air per dive, which translates to longer dives. You’ll be able to move more freely and avoid touching the bottom or disturbing creatures underwater. You’ll also be more relaxed and focused, leading to safer dives. And last but not least, you’ll gain more respect for the environment, as you’ll be able to move effortlessly and observe marine life without causing harm.

Where you can follow PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy course in Sri Lanka?

This course is available at all Poseidon Diving Centres. Poseidon diving center is the first five-star PADI diving center in Sri Lanka and has been in operation for 50 years. peak performance buoyance certification is available at the best price in Hikkaduwa (October to April South Coast) and Nilaveli Trincomalee (April to September East Coast).

South Cost

Hikkaduwa Diving Centre

November – April

East Cost

Nilaveli Diving Centre

April – October

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peak performance Bouncy


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